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First Stakeholder Consultation


The project team of IMDID Ghana embarked on a visit to Gomoah Fetteh Kakraba on the 14th January, 2023 to discuss with the Chief and opinion leaders on the intent of our organization to organize a Vocational Training Program for the females in the community. The project team was led by Mr. Gilbert ReinallAddo, and in the company of Mr. Frederick Elorm Asamani and Madam Catherine Saakwah Addo. The team had the opportunity to meet with the Chief of the area Nana Essel Amoako-Andoh I and eight (8) other community leaders all assembled at the chief’s residence. 

After presenting our intentions to the Chief and the elders, the decision was received and welcomed with warmth and are very poised to accept us to carry out our mandate for the community. According to the Chief, the program would go a long way to uplift the image of the community when the inhabitants are equipped with such skills. With so much humor and good intentions, the Chief also wished to be part of the trainees to learn and to enhance his skills.

They have identified two prime facilities they would like to allocate to IMDID Ghana as the center for the training program. They would have further discussions with the management of those facilities to inform them about the upcoming program slated for the females in the community. They also suggested the training should not be restricted to only the females but rather should be all inclusive since not only the females in the community that needs a vocational skill.

According to them, an announcement would be made to inform the natives about the program and would communicate to IMDID Ghana on the possible date for general briefing and registration of trainees. The Chief also suggested to the team representing IMDID Ghana if the organization could make this a permanent institution and build a Vocational Training Center in the community so that the training would be a continuum rather than a one off since there is no such training center in the community to serve the populace in skills development.

For the records, the Chief and the opinion leaders were very much elated about the program and promised to perform their bid towards the success of the program and assured us of their immense support for the program.

Next Steps:

  1. Pre-training Period
  1. Assessment of training venue
  2. Developing Project Scope
  3. Submitting letters to partners and funder
  4. Recruitment of trainers and identification of possible skills for training
  5. General briefing of trainees and registration
  1. Training Period
  1. Resources and materials
  2. transportation for trainers
  1. Post-training Period
  1. Community Durbar
  2. Impact Assessment

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