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The Commemoration Of International Day Of Education 2023

The fifth International Day of Education was celebrated on 24th of January, 2023 under the theme “to invest in people, prioritize education”. 

Building on the global momentum generated by the Transforming Education Summit, International Day of Education has become a global platform to sustain political mobilization to advance SDG4. It reviews national commitments and global initiatives, increases public engagement in support of education as a pathway to peace, sustainable development and individual and collective well-being, and promotes the right of young people to receive education and provides a platform to showcase its initiatives and innovations.

As part of our mission to ensure quality education, IMDID-Gh commemorated International Day of Education by selecting a few quotes from some of the world’s best advocates for education to inspire the public on the quest for knowledge and development. These quotes were shared on IG, Facebook and Twitter.

The commemoration at the global level also highlighted one of the most difficult crises of our time in Afghanistan, where girls and women are deprived of their basic right to education. Since the Kabul coup in August 2021, access to post-primary education for all Afghan girls over the age of 12 has been suspended indefinitely. This means that 80% of her school-age girls and young women in Afghanistan (2.5 million) are out of school, while nearly 30% of Afghan girls have never had a primary education. is not. This includes the release of the first SDG4 benchmarks from UNESCO’s Global Education Monitoring Report and the Institute for Statistics, which will monitor countries’ progress towards achieving the benchmarks, including those discussed at the Education Transformation Summit.

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights affirms that education is a fundamental human right for everyone and this right was further detailed in the Convention against Discrimination in Education. What exactly does that mean?

Why is education a fundamental human right?

The right to education is a human right and indispensable for the exercise of other human rights.

  • Quality education aims to ensure the development of a fully-rounded human being.
  • It is one of the most powerful tools in lifting socially excluded children and adults out of poverty and into society. UNESCO data shows that if all adults completed secondary education, globally the number of poor people could be reduced by more than half.
  • It narrows the gender gap for girls and women. A UN study showed that each year of schooling reduces the probability of infant mortality by 5 to 10 per cent.
  • For this human right to work there must be equality of opportunity, universal access, and enforceable and monitored quality standards.

For this reason, IMDID Ghana advocates the right to education for all genders as we believe that it develops critical thinking. This is vital in teaching a person how to use logic when making decisions and interacting with people (e.g., boosting creativity, enhancing time management).


Brief Report On The Appointment Of New Partnership & Grants Manager


It was deemed necessary for management to appoint someone to spearhead the activities of the partnership & grants department. On 25th January, 2023, management appointed Mr. Anthony Tetteh to manage the affairs of the partnership & grants department. Mr. Tetteh was a volunteer and a member of the partnership & grant department. He selflessly worked for the progress of the department when Nana Agyei Nhyira Okyere was the acting manager. He was dedicated and hardworking, and always available to render his services when called upon. This led to his appointment.


First Stakeholder Consultation


The project team of IMDID Ghana embarked on a visit to Gomoah Fetteh Kakraba on the 14th January, 2023 to discuss with the Chief and opinion leaders on the intent of our organization to organize a Vocational Training Program for the females in the community. The project team was led by Mr. Gilbert ReinallAddo, and in the company of Mr. Frederick Elorm Asamani and Madam Catherine Saakwah Addo. The team had the opportunity to meet with the Chief of the area Nana Essel Amoako-Andoh I and eight (8) other community leaders all assembled at the chief’s residence. 

After presenting our intentions to the Chief and the elders, the decision was received and welcomed with warmth and are very poised to accept us to carry out our mandate for the community. According to the Chief, the program would go a long way to uplift the image of the community when the inhabitants are equipped with such skills. With so much humor and good intentions, the Chief also wished to be part of the trainees to learn and to enhance his skills.

They have identified two prime facilities they would like to allocate to IMDID Ghana as the center for the training program. They would have further discussions with the management of those facilities to inform them about the upcoming program slated for the females in the community. They also suggested the training should not be restricted to only the females but rather should be all inclusive since not only the females in the community that needs a vocational skill.

According to them, an announcement would be made to inform the natives about the program and would communicate to IMDID Ghana on the possible date for general briefing and registration of trainees. The Chief also suggested to the team representing IMDID Ghana if the organization could make this a permanent institution and build a Vocational Training Center in the community so that the training would be a continuum rather than a one off since there is no such training center in the community to serve the populace in skills development.

For the records, the Chief and the opinion leaders were very much elated about the program and promised to perform their bid towards the success of the program and assured us of their immense support for the program.

Next Steps:

  1. Pre-training Period
  1. Assessment of training venue
  2. Developing Project Scope
  3. Submitting letters to partners and funder
  4. Recruitment of trainers and identification of possible skills for training
  5. General briefing of trainees and registration
  1. Training Period
  1. Resources and materials
  2. transportation for trainers
  1. Post-training Period
  1. Community Durbar
  2. Impact Assessment

Brief Report By The Projects Department On The First Project Assessment Of The Ngleshie-Amanfro Community Library

The project team of IMDID Ghana embarked on a site visit to Ngleshie Amanfro Community Library on the 14th January, 2023 to ascertain the state of the library that has been abandoned for about 25 years after its completion. The team identified this project as posted on Instagram by one Richard Kwesi Agodzo, a social media user. The project team was led by Mr. Gilbert Reinall Addo, and in the company of Mr. Frederick Elorm Asamani and Madam Catherine Saakwah Addo. The team arrived at the project site at 9:30 am. The team had the opportunity to meet with the sub-Chief of the area Nii Quashie Shiakye I who’s also the Assembly Member for that community where the library is situated. The other stakeholders in the area whose involvement would be paramount includes; The Traditional Council, Ghana Education Service, The District Assembly and the People.

The library was built in 1996 with the purpose of serving the community schools and the general public. It was inaugurated in 2003 by the then Education Minister, Hon. Kwadwo Baah Wiredu who at the time solicited for books for the library to be used by the community. Unfortunately, the library could not serve the purpose for which it was built and was left unused. In the year 2021, the community handed over the library into the care and supervision of the Ghana Education Service and managed by a representative of GES who comes to open during weekdays.

According to Nii Quashie Shiakye I, the plight of the library is mainly managerial and resource materials. He also reiterated that he wished the management of the facility was withdrawn from the GES and handed over to a well constituted management team with additional responsibility to assist in equipping the facility with the right materials for academic and research purposes.  He mentioned that the project would have been a success if properly managed. 

The team as part of our assessment, identified the following as things to consider for refurbishment;

  • Reconstruction of ceiling 
  • Reconstruction of urinal for library users
  • Painting – both interior and exterior
  • Replacement of Doors and locks
  • Reassessment of electrical works
  • Provision of burglar proof
  • Fencing of the facility 
  • Provision of water supply to the facility
  • Replacement of window nets

The project site would need further assessment by a professional building construction expert or company to take measurement for final decision making by management. Because the one in charge of management was not available on the day of the team’s visit, the Team was not able to access the interior to establish its condition. We assured the representative to return in a later day that would be communicated in order for the interior of the facility to be accessed and also hold a stakeholder consultation meeting.

A major strength of the facility is its prime location. The library is surrounded by the following schools; Ngleshie Amanfro No. 1 & 2 cluster of schools, Ngleshie Amanfro community 3 & 4 Primary and JHS, Amanfro Islamic Primary and JHS, St. Peters Anglican Primary School and Christ Evangelical Mission Schools. All the above-mentioned schools were to access the same facility for their academic works. The facility would be of a great importance to the pupil in order to enhance their academic works since none of those schools have a library facility in their establishment for academic works. The facility also shares the same compound with the Ghana Education Service Circuit Office who currently takes care of its management with oversight responsibility by the Sub-Chief.

The library would serve its main purpose if refurbished and properly managed by dedicated individuals.

Next Steps:

  1. Pre-construction Phase
  1. Stakeholder Consultation
  2. Building & Resource Assessment
  3. Development of Project Scope
  4. Budget creation
  5. Submission of letters to funders and partners
  1. Construction Phase
  1. Conceptual Drawing
  2. Renovation
  3. Formulation of Library Management Committee
  1. Post-construction Phase
  1. Library furnishing and resourcing
  2. Project Dedication
  3. Impact Assessment

Management Announces Action Plan For The Year 2023

On the 21st of October, 2022, the Project Department of IMDID Ghana submitted the Action Plan for the year 2023 to be reviewed by managers. After a thorough review and several discussions among management, the Action Plan was amended and approved for implementation for the action year 2023.

Some activities stipulated in the plan which were dated for particular start and end dates are as follows;

  1. Vocational Training Project (VTP): Gomoa Fetteh Rural-Urban Vocational Training
  2. Skills Acquisition Project (SAP): SDG Facilitators Training Program (Cohort 2)
  3. Skills Acquisition Project (SAP): Youth Business Innovation Program (Cohort 1)
  4. Webinar: World Youth Skills Day
  5. Skills Acquisition Project (SAP): Youth Ambassadors Program (Cohort 2)
  1. Rural Community Library Project 
  2. Online Campaign: International Day of Education
  3. The SDG Roadshow
  4. Project HMC (Help Mentor Children) – International Day for Street Children
  1. Webinar: International Day of Zero Tolerance to Female Genital Mutilation
  2. Webinar: World Health Day
  3. World Mental Health Webinar 
  4. Webinar: Breast Cancer Awareness Month
  1. Online Campaign: International Women’s Day
  2. Online Campaign: World Day Against Child Labour
  3. Pre-recorded Video Broadcast: International Day of Peace
  4. Youth Forum: International Youth Day 

Other activities includes:

  • Volunteers Training Seminar 
  • Volunteers Boost Camp Volunteer
  • Christmas Carnival 2023 Dubbed “Christmas on the Beach” 

On the introduction of the Action Plan, the Acting Country Director, Mr. Nuelz Ehun urged volunteers to put in their maximum effort in ensuring the attainment of the listed activities and for the betterment of our communities.